I can’t get my signature to look right. Is there any other way for me to add it?

  • updated 3 mths ago

If you’re having trouble signing electronically on your computer or smartphone, you have the option of uploading a photo of your signature. Just write your signature on a blank, white piece of paper and take a photo of it or scan it.

Once you are on the PicnicHealth account settings page, click on “Upload Signature”, select the file with your signature, and click “Upload”.

A note about e-Signatures:

Informed consents for research studies and other authorizations like privacy documents are typically signed electronically which means you do not have to print and sign these important documents. When you sign electronically, you understand that your signature is legally binding (which means that it can be used for important documents), that you are signing for yourself (which means you are not letting someone else use your account or password), and that you understand why you are signing (for example, you agree to participant in a research study after reviewing the informed consent form).

  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 226Views