Signing Up
How many doctors should I add?
As many as you'd like - but, ideally, you should add every doctor or hospital you’ve seen in the past 7+ years. If you don’t recall all of their infor...
Why do you need my Social Security Number?
We need the last 4 digits of your social security number (SSN) in order to retrieve your medical records from your doctor. Most doctor’s offices requi...
I can’t get my signature to look right. Is there any other way for me to add it?
If you’re having trouble signing electronically on your computer or smartphone, you have the option of uploading a photo of your signature. Just write...
How do I set up an account for someone else?
After you’ve created and verified your account, we'll ask you who you're collecting records for during the signup process. You can collect records for...
Who can sign up for PicnicHealth?
There are two ways to get a PicnicHealth account. If you are eligible for one of our research studies, you can join a study and get a free PicnicHealt...
How do I create an account?
To get started, go to and enter either your email or your mobile phone number. We’ll then send you an email or text me...