What does PicnicHealth do?

  • updated 2 yrs ago

PicnicHealth collects, digitizes, and secures your medical records—then arranges everything in one intuitive timeline. No need to worry about a note from your doctor or the results from a lab. It’s all there for easy reference, right when you need it. We handle all the hard work of phone calls and faxes to request and collect your records from your doctors.

PicnicHealth also partners with some of the world’s leading researchers to find new breakthroughs in healthcare. By opting into relevant research, you can join forces with thousands of others who are helping advance science. By examining de-identified medical data from large groups of people, researchers can spot trends, understand patient journeys and find out how effective different treatments are in real life.

  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 2643Views